Life has changed. I think we’ll be looking for our new normal for some time, yet in the midst of “The Crazy” I’m finding the LITTLE things are becoming BIG things. I have so much for which to be thankful…

…my sweet friend, Rhonda, first of all. She CONSTANTLY reminds me to find gratitude, even in the midst of her own crazy. You’re a ROCK STAR – thanks!

…the beautiful spring flowers and bushes, the blossoming trees, and the chirping birds. All that seems so normal has become a big deal in a world that’s become a bit abnormal. Thank you, God, for SPRINGTIME!

…communication (such as it is) with the people we LOVE – via phone, email, Zoom, FaceTime, Facebook, Skype, and more. Think how isolated we would be without the WorldWideWeb and cyberspace.

…glimpses (from afar) of my grands finding ways to have fun, bless others, enjoy life, and maintain sanity, together. Sometimes the little things in life are REALLY the oft-overlooked BIG things!

…the everyday heroes in our lives; those who are often unsung and forgotten, but whose lives are more “essential” than THEY imagined. Thank you for serving us – every day. Please stay safe.

…precious together time for my friend Linda, her sisters, their husbands, and their dad, reminiscing a life well-lived as they begin to walk their sweet Daddy toward his Heavenly home – that LONG (and hard) goodbye. Praying for you.

…those who regularly check on their neighbors, those who offer to run errands for those who shouldn’t, and those who do random acts of kindness often. You’re a blessing, and we can all learn from you!

…the highlight when we SCORE toilet paper or paper towels or hand sanitizer on the often-too-empty shelves we’re growing accustomed to. Who knew we’d be so grateful for such ordinary things?

…our neighbors, friends, and strangers who offer a smile, a wave, or that easily-recognized “we’re-all-in-this-together glance” as our paths cross at a required distance of six feet. Thank you.

We ARE in this together. Stay in, stay safe, and stay well in this, our new normal, which changes daily and has no end in sight. I am a believer and my trust is in my God. Totally. God is good. He is faithful. He is able.

Even so, in this new normal, I sometimes have to remind myself of those truths. I sometimes have to remember God is in control, this pandemic hasn’t surprised Him at all, and He knows what’s ahead. I can trust Him.

These days, I must be JUST as intentional in BELIEVING as I am in washing my hands!

God bless you and yours! Be kind. Be safe. Be well. And, believe!


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