by Elaine McAllister | Aug 4, 2022 | Faith, Family, Friends, Life, Persistence, Perspective, Simplify, Social Media, Thankfulness, Trusting God
Are you tired of triple-digit heat and strangling humidity? Is your summer dragging by? Gas prices are at unreasonable levels and grocery store totals take our breath away. It is difficult to maintain an attitude of gratitude, isn’t it?On social media, opinions are...
by Elaine McAllister | Jul 9, 2022 | Family, Friends, Life, Perspective, Social Media, Truth, Writing
“Let minor differences and personal preferences, if there be such, go to the winds.” Abraham Lincoln 1 When Jim and I were young parents, we were advised to choose our battles wisely. In other words, don’t make a big deal out of something that isn’t a big deal. There...
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