by Elaine McAllister | Jul 9, 2022 | Family, Friends, Life, Perspective, Social Media, Truth, Writing
“Let minor differences and personal preferences, if there be such, go to the winds.” Abraham Lincoln 1 When Jim and I were young parents, we were advised to choose our battles wisely. In other words, don’t make a big deal out of something that isn’t a big deal. There...
by Elaine McAllister | Aug 22, 2018 | Faith, Family, Grandparenting
Back-to-School It’s the back-to-school season! Noisy feet shuffle through hallways. Children, tweens, teens, and adults scurry between classrooms. Backpacks hang on hooks and in overflowing lockers. Routines are the norm again in many households. New...
by Elaine McAllister | Apr 7, 2017 | Life
Hand in hand, mother and daughter walked down the stairs. Shawna and I, both nervous about what was to come, were on an adventure visiting the preschool she would soon be attending. The room was alive with color! Shapes, numbers, and letters decorated the walls. ...
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