
It’s the back-to-school season! Noisy feet shuffle through hallways. Children, tweens, teens, and adults scurry between classrooms. Backpacks hang on hooks and in overflowing lockers.

Routines are the norm again in many households. New relationships are beginning, and lives are changing. The morning bell sounds and boisterous sounds grow a bit more subdued as the school day begins.

There’s something very exciting about this season – especially for those of us who have children or grandchildren in the midst of that back-to-school routine. I can almost smell the new crayons – can’t you? And I sense the nervousness of many, too.

Stress is real…

Some children are facing new schools or new teachers. Tweens are navigating unknown hallways, checking class schedules to see where they’re supposed to be, and hoping they get there on time. Even teachers experience beginning of the year chaos with knots in their stomachs as they tackle the day with a myriad of interruptions. And, it’s a fact of life – both students and teachers go home exhausted at the beginning of the year! Right?

This back-to-school season is heavy on my heart today. I shared an earlier post but today my thoughts remain in the classroom so I’ve been on a quest for scriptures to pray for you today. I’ll share more next week.

…but prayer is more powerful!


I pray that you, __________, will find wisdom and understanding today. (See Proverbs 4:5-7)

It is my prayer that you will always know God loves you and you are precious in his sight. You have no need to be afraid, ____________. (See Isaiah 43:4-5)

My prayer for you, _________, is that you will not be deceived as God protects you from bad influences which can ruin good manners. (See 1 Corinthians 15:33)

Dear _________, I pray you will always remember that God is the giver of every good and perfect thing. (See James 1:17)

I’m trusting that you, _______, will be careful because we all know Satan is out to get us. Remember to give all your worries to the Lord. He cares so much for you. (See 1 Peter 5:7-8)

May you realize that all trials bring patience, _________, and as you face hard things, rest in the knowledge that God is with you, finishing what He started. And always remember to ask for wisdom because He is waiting and eager to give it to you. (See James 1:2-6)

Please remember, __________, that God is able to deliver you from the hands of those who are against you. I pray for His watchful eye of protection on you every day. (See Jeremiah 15:20-21)

I pray, __________, that you will be humble before God, and content with who you are. God’s got you, and He will lift you up in His time. (See 1 Peter 5:6)


Our prayers are crucial for bus drivers, cooks, nurses, secretaries, and other staff, but especially for students and the teachers who are daily impacting the lives of our future generations.

I challenge you to join with me in prayer during this back-to-school season.

Can I get an “Amen”?

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