This post was originally published more than a year ago. I’ve been reminded in the last few days, once again, of the importance of my friends, so have decided to revisit and republish it, in honor of my friends, near and far!
Those of you who are new ‘followers,’ this one’s for YOU, and I’m glad we’re friends! ENJOY!!!
I’m thankful for the friends I have had to share my life. They are diverse. They are unique. They are priceless to me.
As a child, I was ‘forced’ to make new friends, and often. You see, I lived in six different states – Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Wisconsin! I was always the ‘new kid on the block’ and the best choice was to make new friends in my new surroundings! So, I did!
My parents were great at making each move a new adventure. Their attitude was contagious, and I think had much to do with the way my brother and I reacted to each move.
I’m sure I wasn’t always delighted about pulling up stakes and moving to unknown places, but God always seemed to provide great friends in each new location.
I learned about diversity! Even though all my homes were in the Midwest, the local culture was diverse! In Iowa, in one of many places we lived in that state, we were immersed in a Norwegian community. Our rural Oklahoma home was in the middle of Indian territory! While in Wisconsin, we were on the edge of a university town, which was definitely a new culture! The same was true a couple years later when we were near another university town at our new Iowa ‘home’! They have a culture all their own!
I learned how to be a friend, to make a friend! It wasn’t always easy, but the friendships that came from the various places I called home make all the difficulties worth it!
In more recent ‘adult’ years, I’ve stayed in the same place, but friends have often moved away for their own new adventures.
Thankfully, I have accumulated friends across this great country. I’m thankful for these long-time friends! We have sometimes lost track of one another, or become too busy to stay in touch, but when we do, we pick up as if no time has passed at all. What a blessing!
God, please bless my friends today — near and far, old and new!
My experiences are so similar. One of the attractions of heaven for me is that finally I’ll have all my friends in one place!
I agree, Janet! Heaven gets richer and richer with the passing of each one of our loved ones. Thanks for reading my blog!
You know a “true friend” when you’re able to pick up right where you left off! God has blessed me with Elaine’s friendship as I am one of her Wisconsin friends. God is so good!!!!!!
Brenda…I SOOOOOO agree….nothing like renewing a friendship as if we were in school together all over again (or in church, I should say, since THAT’s where we hung out together more often than at school!) I love you, dear friend! You’re a bright spot in my life!