Do you know what fifty pounds of fat looks like?  I don’t either, but I know what five pounds looks like thanks to a recent picture shared on the internet!  It’s kind of gross, isn’t it?5#FAT

Until recently, I carried around ten times that much excess weight, so I celebrated the loss of fifty pounds and staged a picture that’s worth a thousand words! But, wait – I haven’t “lost” those pounds.  Lost things haunt us, and require us to find them – right? I don’t want to be haunted by these pounds, nor do I ever intend to find them! I’m just celebrating the fact that they’re gone.  And, how better to visualize than to try to wrangle a fifty pound bag of dog food and wonder HOW in the WORLD I functioned when I carried around that much weight, 24/7, under my own skin!


So, how has my life changed, you might wonder…I contemplated that over the last few days, and came up with a list of fifty things that are different now…

  1. I can move with ease!
  2.  I feel good about myself! Proud of myself! Excited about who I am!
  3. My biggest struggle is to find something that fits! I refuse to invest in clothes til I shrink a bit more but quite often, what I wear to work goes in the laundry and directly to the ‘donate’ box when I get home – never again to be worn by me!
  4. My feet and ankles are no longer swollen, and even my shoes are too big!
  5. I put on my underwear standing up! I know – TMI (too much information) but I used to sit to get dressed after I showered!
  6. Walking is not something to be avoided (I used to look for the closest parking spots and walk as little as necessary).
  7. Standing is okay – I no longer look for a place to sit and rest!
  8. Now I plan what’s for dinner instead of which restaurant we try tonight!
  9. I enjoy planning meals, and trying new things – like cauliflower pizza crust, and cloud bread.
  10. I love food – apples, salads, and much more – it’s just a different KIND of food, now!
  11. I often wonder, why didn’t I learn this earlier in life.
  12. Queso no longer has the hold on me!
  13. My addiction to Pepsi is a thing of the past!
  14. My hair, which has always been thin and fine, is becoming less so.  As my body is shrinking, I guess my follicles are getting closer together so my hair seems fuller!
  15. Eating foods with additives and preservatives (multi-syllable words no one can say) is a thing of the past. If I can’t pronounce it, I don’t buy it.
  16. I love sea salt, and making my own seasoning blends to avoid sodium, and sugars!
  17. God-given foods bring freedom on many levels.
  18. I’ve been blessed to be able to give away some great clothes – just wish I could hide a note in the pocket encouraging the new owner to begin such a journey to wellness!
  19. This is contagious, and I’m the biggest cheerleader to others on this journey!
  20. Our fast-food costs have decreased dramatically.
  21. Real food costs have gone up, but you get what you pay for and I’m tired of eating additives and preservatives and junk!
  22. I didn’t know it could be this easy. Seriously!
  23. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks, and at 63, I’m learning what makes me gain, what helps me lose, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle eating real food!
  24. I worry about our addiction, as a nation, to eating whatever the food industry touts as fast, and easy, and tasty!
  25. I no longer cringe when I walk past a mirror.
  26. I thought I was too old for this kind of success, and I was a huge skeptic when I started!
  27. One of these days I’ll proudly share my weight, if asked – not quite yet, but someday!
  28. I actually have a jawline, and a single chin!
  29. Necklaces are longer now, as I’ve lost inches around my neck, too.
  30. When there’s not so much body to go AROUND, everything is longer – my sweaters and blouses and even my slacks and jeans are ALL longer than ever!
  31. I have indentations I didn’t know were possible! Like at my waistline!
  32. Rings even fit differently – will have to get them resized soon.
  33. I no longer struggle to bend over and pick up things.
  34. Heartburn is a thing of the past.
  35. Indigestion just doesn’t happen anymore.
  36. I get in and out of my lime green Camaro with ease!
  37. Getting in and out, over and under, around and through, above and below — all those things are so much easier.
  38. I’m thankful for a community of encouragers and blessed to have such people in my life.
  39. Having my kids and grandkids tell me how proud they are — that’s a really cool thing!
  40. I can now cross my legs again – not just at the ankle!
  41. Riding my Kawasaki trike is more comfortable and the helmet even fits better!
  42. I’m daily amazed at my shrinking self! LOL!
  43. Success feels wonderful!
  44. I love learning.
  45. I can wrap a towel all the way around myself after I shower.
  46. When something shrinks in the dryer, I’m thrilled, because I can keep on wearing it as I shrink!
  47. The looks on the faces of those who haven’t seen me in a while — they’re priceless!
  48. I have more energy, and even more motivation!
  49. I’m loving life!
  50. I’m thrilled to be finding the “me” that was hidden inside! (This comment may not make sense, but if you’ve LIVED it, you’ll GET it, and this last picture illustrates it perfectly!)Sculpt

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