After the 2020 Christmas Creche Countdown is the Great Creche Takedown – it’s time to bring out the tubs and the blister wrap bags and get packing! This really is quite an ordeal – both the unwrapping and the rewrapping – but I sure enjoy the month in the middle; surrounded by reminders that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

I’ve said it before…This 2020 Christmas Creche Countdown has been a meaningful adventure for me as I’ve considered the Christmas story being played out before my eyes in a diverse collection of scenes and characters. Handmade, manufactured, or mass-produced. Porcelain, ceramic, wooden, glass, and resin. Chunky, fragile, shiny, matte, delicate, micro-mini, large, colorful, rustic, and elegant. So many adjectives appropriate for my nativities. They’re unique and diverse; that’s what I like most of all.

Likewise, we are diverse and unique. Some are chunky. Some elegant. I have friends and neighbors who are colorful, and some who are fragile. I even have some who are real CHARACTERS! What about you? God created us in His own image but we’re not cookie-cutter human beings.

I pray each unique one of us will do our best in 2021 to make our home, our community, and our world a better place in which the diverse rest of us can thrive in peace! Is that too much to ask for? I don’t think so.

P.S. I just HAD to write one more post, because I just HAD to show you the picture of a tabletop filled with nativities. I kept three of them displayed for now (until I clear off the table, at least). There’s no more room in THAT inn until I pack some away!

God bless, and Happy New Year!

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