Life is but a breath of air.

One, followed by another, then another.

At some point, we breathe our last. Only God knows when our life on Earth will end.

That reality hits harder with every passing year. Like an ever-expanding snowball speeding down a hill, names are added to my list of friends, neighbors, and family memorialized in well-crafted obituaries. More often than before, I sign my name in a book then find a seat alongside others in a quiet sanctuary. I wait for music to trigger memories as my eyes fill with tears. I listen to words that bring comfort. Goodbyes are never easy.

My perspective of funerals was less real as a child; even as a teenager. Death happened less often and evoked different feelings than it does today or so it seems. Now, the snowball rolls on by, much too fast. Can you relate?

The reality – my reality, at least – is this: I’m a Believer so I’m not fearful of my last breath. In fact, at times, I long for it as our fallen world becomes more chaotic and calloused. I am heaven-bound because I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. It’s not that I want to leave anytime soon – I don’t – but I’m ready. 100% ready.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16 (KJV)

However, God determines the day of my last breath (and yours) so I will continue to do all I can for Him until my final breath. And, I’ll be praying for you; for all of my family and friends. I pray you, too, will accept God’s gift of salvation and walk with the Lord before the day of your final breath.

I may arrive in Heaven earlier (and that’s okay), but I’ll be waiting to celebrate your arrival.

I don’t know the address of my mansion, but you’ll find me hanging out with Jesus, my scriptural heroes, and those I’ve loved and lost. TTYL!


[NOTE: When God prompts, I write. I didn’t sit down at my computer today intending to write this. God prompted these words, so I wrote them. This post is not the result of a premonition, nor do I harbor any suicidal tendencies. If you need prayer or need to talk to someone, feel free to contact me.]

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