We three kings…
…steadfast in their goal to follow a celestial flashlight. Three kings, determined in their search for the newborn King. These kings brought fine gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Expensive gifts for a baby in a barn. A baby surrounded by animals! They were on a mission, and at the end of it, they were on their knees worshipping a baby! A baby in a barn!
Who would write such a narrative? Who would orchestrate such a plan? Only God!
Angels sang at his birth. They were melodious witnesses to this Messiah’s arrival on Earth. Their notes gently filled the barnyard, calming both the babe and the animals. Angels, gazing upon the One who would save the world. This baby in a barn!
Did they know of His calling? Were they privy to that plan or just their task at hand – worshipping this baby in a barn?
I simply adore this tiny little creche. Such tiny characters with a massive story to tell. One of salvation. One of forgiveness of sin. One of a baby in a barn!
For those who have been following my daily countdown, you’ve seen all shapes and sizes and colors and styles of nativities. You’ve seen plain and elaborate. Rustic and elegant.
All so very different, but each one precious.
I believe that’s how this baby in a barn sees us; those He came to save. We’re different from one another – some of us plain; others elaborate. Some tall and skinny, others chunky! Some pensive, others passionate!
All so very different, but each one precious!
The baby in the barn knows us and wants us to know Him. Do we? My prayer for you is that – if you are not yet a believer in Jesus Christ – this baby in the barn – you will be soon.
Seek Him, as the wise men did. Worship Him as the angels did. Accept His offer of forgiveness, and ask Him to live within you this Christmas season and forever. Welcome Him into your heart – this baby in a barn!
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